Showing category "Up and comming" (Show all posts)


Posted by Keezku on Saturday, January 17, 2009, In : Up and comming 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! CANT WAIT TILL THEN!!. so what you ganna get me?
Keezku Fox
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Good news jan 17 09

Posted by William Jones on Saturday, January 17, 2009, In : Up and comming 
I will be adding people on to my site, we are waiting on the other sites to be completed. We hope you will like them.
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This is me

William J. Average hight but I walk tall. Im funny, powerful, strange, full of energy, and i love to have a good time. I like just about everyting, im almost never sad. I love a chalange and the thrill of the hunt, if you know what I mean. If u need more information on me just email me:
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